Robins are the songbirds that are commonly seen across North America. These birds have warm orange breasts and their sing cheery songs.
These birds can produce three successful broods in a year. In the wild, robins can live up to 14 years and on average it is six years.
But most people get confused while making any difference between male and female robins.
However, making the difference between these two is possible if you have complete knowledge about the same. And In this article, I’ve explained all such details about the male and female robins.
Male Robins VS Female Robins Comparison Table
Basis | Male Robins | Female Robins |
Peak of head | Possess U shape head peak | Possess V shape head peak |
Color Brightness | Possess brighter color than females | Possess light color than males |
Behavior | Responsible for protecting territory | Nest builders |
Breasts Color | Brighter Redbreast | Lighter redbreast |
Traveling | Stays in similar place all year | Move to neighboring areas throughout the late spring |
Male VS Female Robins: Shape and Color Variation
When it comes to making a comparison between male and female robins based on their shape and size, then it is often difficult.
On average, male robins are larger than female robins but sometimes females may be larger than males whilst carrying eggs.
But the difference can be made based on the peak of the head. Female robins tend to have a V shape while the males have U shape head peak.
However, it can be determined only when it is looked at from above.
On the other hand, if a difference is made based on their color brightness, then a small comparison can be made. The male robins have brighter breasts than females.
A viewer can make this comparison only when they had interacted with both birds to know the actual color differentiation.
Male VS Female Robins: Breeding Behavior
During the breeding season, i.e. between March and August, male robins are used to feed the female. Making a comparison between these robins can be possible if seen during the breeding season.
Female robins are nest builders and collect twigs, sticks, threads, and other nesting materials for building their nests. Female robins also incubate the eggs.
On the other hand, the male robins have to sit nearby and protect the eggs and territory.
Robins are extremely territorial and the female robins enter the territories during the breeding sale with the male holding territories throughout the year.
Generally, hearing noises during the breeding season is common and it is made by male robins rather than a female.
Male VS Female Robins: Traveling
When it comes to traveling, female robins travel from the neighboring settling area throughout the late spring. But male robins stay in a similar domain throughout the year.
Common Misconceptions
It is often believed that female robins do not have red breasts. But it is not true. Juvenile robins usually lack redbreasts.
It is also believed that only females have white bars on their wings but it is not true. The male robins’ also possess white bars on their wings.
Robins are the songbirds that can be often seen at the bird feeding stations in North America.
It is pleasing to see these birds but it becomes difficult to make a difference between male and female robins. The same can be made based on their color.
Male robins have brighter color than females and possess U-shaped head peaks. Generally, if you are encountering a robin during its breeding season, then there are high chances that it will be a male robin as female robins usually stay at the nest.
Therefore, observe them closely and you can easily make a difference between these two.
At last, I hope you get something informational from this article. Thank You For Reading!
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