What Does Female Crow Look Like?
Female crows are a member of the genus Corvus. They usually look darker on top than a male crow and have some chestnut or brown appearing in the plumage, for some species.
Crows are an extremely common species of bird which can be found almost everywhere in the world.
The different types of crows exist around the world and are visible every day. All you need to listen for is ‘caw’.
Female crows may be distinguished from the average crow by their lighter colouring, smaller size, and lack of iridescence in the plumage when seen against light backgrounds.
There are more than 40 different types of crow species in the world all under the same genus, which includes the ravens, rooks and jackdaws, American crow, etc.
And in this article, I’ve explained everything you need to know about Female crow and how you can differentiate them from male counterparts.
How can you Differentiate Between the Male and Female Crow?

The male and female crows are almost similar in looks and are quite difficult to distinguish but here are a few ways to decide the female ones:
- You can easily identify a female crow from its smaller size than a male crow.
- The female crows have less visible eye rings (black tips of their beak) than male crows.
- The feathers on the back of female crows are relatively shorter when compared to the male species.
- Overall, the female species has a more rounded shape than the male crow.
- The females also have a lighter colouring on top of their body, whereas male crows are much darker than females.
What Are Female Crows Called?
The name crow for this bird is basically gender neutral. Both the male and female gender are termed as ‘crow’.
Originally the word ‘crow’ also included ravens, but in modern usage, it refers only to the common species of corvid which are smaller than ravens.
In American English, crows are called crows, but in the UK there are about 7 different species of crows available.
The most popular one there, often confused with a crow, is the term ‘rook’ has actually been borrowed from the Scottish Gaelic word ‘ruac’ meaning “chattering”.
Female Crows: Lifespan, Size, Weight, And Diet
Female Crow Lifespan: According to the records, female crows can live up to around 15 years in the wild and if it’s well taken care of, they can live up to a maximum of 30 years in captivity.
Crows are not as long-lived compared to other birds of the same size.
Female Crow Size: The approximate size of female crows are generally 6-7 inches long and they weigh 25 to 33 ounces but it may vary differently.
While male crows are up to 10-11 inches long and weigh around 28 to 38 ounces in the wild.
Female Crow Weight: Female crows weigh as low as 12 ounces but can be as high as 35 ounces. Female crows are smaller than males and weigh about 25 to 35 ounces in the wild.
On the other hand, male crows are quite heavier than their female counterparts and weigh about 28-38 ounces in the wild.
Female Crow Diet: When it comes to food, female crows generally eat seeds and berries while males have a wider variety of foods such as insects and worms.
This is because the female is more occupied with nesting and caring for her babies and feeding herself is a hassle.
Female Crow Behaviour Explained
The nesting and day-to-day behaviour of female crows have been researched for a long time.
She makes nests out of twigs, mosses and roots etc.
Here she reproduces, brings up the child with the male partner, feeds the child, and protects it.
Reproduction And Care For The Babies
It is estimated that females lay 2-4 eggs at a time and the incubation period for the eggs is about 16 days long.
The females are known to be very protective towards their babies and this may often cause confusion during a species identification.
The breeding season for crows is from February to July and mostly takes place in spring.
After the birth of the babies, the pair sticks together to bring them up, where the male one hunts and provides for food and the female one protects her babies.
The babies are fed for around 2 months until they’re old enough to leave the nest and find their own food.
The crows generally mate with the same partner throughout the year except in captivity where they are unable to breed until they are let out together.
Gathering Food
The crows eat insects and worms in the wild. More specifically, they can consume centipedes, beetles, caterpillars, spiders, earthworms etc.
They search for food on the ground or up high in tall trees by watching for their prey from high up above. In spring when berries are available, female crows will be seen eating them directly from the bush.
Communication Among Them
Crows are known to create different sounds and this can often be heard in your surroundings. These sounds vary from a ‘caw’ and a very loud ‘kraa’. They usually call out to each other with these calls.
The crows are also known to imitate the calls of other birds and animals, so it might be possible for them to imitate the sound of humans too. The crows also have their own voice which is a mixture of clacks, squawks, squeaks or clicks.
Female Crow Habitat
The wild female crows mainly stick to the forests and trees in their habitat to nest. In some of the woods, female crows have been found nesting in giant eucalyptus trees but it is not very common.
On some occasions, the female crows have been seen nesting on the branches of trees but they normally make use of holes which they find in large eucalyptus tree leaves.
Fun facts about female crows:
- Female crows are very intelligent birds which can actually mimic the sound of things such as car alarms, car horns etc.
- Female Crows are very resourceful birds and can make use of a wide variety of tools to get their food.
- They are one of the best imitators in the bird kingdom.
- Outside the breeding season, they can fly up to 1000km without any problem at all.
- Crows have been used as symbols in different cultures and are often seen as a harbinger of bad omens or a sign of ill luck.
- Female Crows generally do not migrate except maybe in some colder places where food availability can be scarce.
Female crows are essential to the repopulation of crows in their environment.
They are also responsible for bringing up their babies and providing food for them. The female crows have their own role to play and the male counterpart is just there for support.
I hope you got some useful information from this article.
Thank You For Reading!
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