Wyoming has a wide variety of backyard birds. And In this article, I’ll list and explain all the backyard birds of Wyoming in detail.
Note: If you’re short on time I have compiled a table of all the backyard birds with identification and their Diet. You can also read about these birds in detail below.
Backyard Birds in Wyoming | Length | Weight | Identification(Color) | Diet/Favorite Food |
American Robin | 23-28 cm | 77 gm (2.71oz) | These birds have black heads and backs with a hint of red or orange in their breast. | Mostly insects, berries, and earthworms. In early summer, insects make up the majority of the diet; they also feed on many earthworms, snails, spiders, and other invertebrates. |
Red-winged Blackbird | 24cm/37cm | 85 gm (2.9oz) | All black only with a bright red and yellow patch on the top of their wings. The female is pale brown. | Mixed grains. |
Northern Flicker | 30-35 cm | 120 gm(4.23oz) | Large woodpeckers, with a size in between crows and Robins, with brown body color and black spots, bars, and crescents all over their bodies along with a red nape. They also have hints of yellow on their bodies as well. | Black oil sunflower seeds are their favorite. |
Western Meadowlark | 6.3-10.2 in (16-26 cm) | 3.1-4.1 oz (89-115 g) | This bird has a yellow underbody with intricately patterned brown, black, and buff upper body. The bright yellow breast is covered with V black cross. | This bird’s diet consists of mostly seeds and insects. |
Mourning Dove | 22-36 cm | 120 gm (4.23oz) | Soft brown in color with hints of black on the wings. | Millet, black sunflower seeds, nyjer, cracked corn, peanut hearts. |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | 32 cm | 150-260 gm (5.29-9.17oz) | These birds are light brownish-gray with hints of white near their tails, which are square in shape. These birds are found wherever there are plenty of seeds. | These birds mainly eat a wide variety of seeds along with some insects and any edible berries, oats, corn, Black oil sunflower seeds, and hulled sunflower seeds. |
House Sparrow | 14-18 cm | 24-40 gm (0.84-1.41oz) | These birds are extremely common and would literally eat out of your hand. They are mostly found in busy areas close to human existence. | They feed on all grains and seeds, like birdseed, millet, corn, and sunflower seeds along with discarded food. |
Brown-Headed Cowbird | 19-22 cm | 43 gm (1.51oz) | The male version of these birds has black bodies and brown heads, with short tails and thick heads. Females are all brown with slight streaks. | Mostly seeds and insects. Seeds (including those of grasses, weeds, and waste grain) make up about half of the diet in summer and more than 90% in winter. The rest of the diet is mostly insects, especially grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars, plus many others, also spiders and millipedes. |
Chipping Sparrow | 13-15 cm | 12 gm (0.4oz) | Slender long-tailed birds that have a gray belly and a streaked back with a rusty crown and blackish eyeliners. | They largely feed on insects. |
Pine Siskin | 4.3-5.5 in (11-14 cm) | 0.4-0.6 oz (12-18 g) | These birds are brown and very streaky with subtle yellow edgings on wings and tails. | Mostly seeds, vegetable matter, Fruits, and insects |
Mountain Bluebird | 6.3-7.9 in (16-20 cm) | 1.1 oz (30 g) | They are sky-blue in color. The wings and tails are dark blues and a bit paler belly, with white under the tail. | Mostly insects and berries. |
Common Grackle | 28-34 cm | 110 gm (3.88oz) | Tall blackbird with a long tail and glossy texture. These birds move in huge flocks. | Eats mostly insects, berries, seeds, fruit, bird eggs, although it is also known to eat frogs and snakes. |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | 14 cm | 12.5 gm (0.44oz) | Gray with flashes of yellow, with slightly brownish tones in females. | Insects and fruits like wax myrtle and bayberry. |
Mountain Chickadee | 4.3-5.5 in (11-14 cm) | 0.4 oz (11 g) | This bird has an overall grey body with black-and-white on the head. | Mostly insects and seeds. |
Black-billed Magpie | 17.7-23.6 in (45-60 cm) | 5.1-7.4 oz (145-210 g) | This is a black and white bird with blue-green iridescent flashes in the wing and tail. | Mostly eat fruits, grains, insects, and small animals |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | 12 cm | 10 gm(0.35oz) | These birds are blue-gray in color with black stripes and rusty undersides. | Black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts, mealworms, suet feeders |
House Wren | 11-13 cm | 11 gm(0.38oz) | Small brown birds with dark wings and tails and pale throats. | Insects like spiders, beetles, earwigs, brush piles caterpillars. |
Barn Swallow | 15-20 cm | 17-20 gm (0.59-0.70oz) | These are small birds in a combination of deep blue, black, and reddish-brown. Their tails have long outer feathers. | Ground-up eggshells are their favorite. |
Brewer’s Blackbird | 8.3-9.8 in (21-25 cm) | 2.1-3.0 oz (60-86 g) | Males have a complete glossy black body with a staring yellow eye and a blue sheen on the head. Females are pale brown with dark wings and tails. | Mostly insects, seeds, and berries |
Dark-eyed Junco | 12-16 cm | 19 gm(0.67oz) | These are dark-eyed variants of Sparrows. These birds are long-distance migratory birds. | Black oil sunflower seeds, nyjer, cracked corn, millet, and peanuts. |
American Goldfinch | 11-13 cm | 14 gm (0.49oz) | They are quite popular, with bright yellow and black colors in males. The female counterparts however tend to be dull brown in shade. | Mostly seeds, some insects. Diet is primarily seeds, especially those of the daisy (composite) family, also those of weeds and grasses, and small seeds of trees such as elm, birch, and alder. Also eats buds, the bark of young twigs, and maple sap. |
House Finch | 14 cm | 19-22 gm (0.67-0.77oz) | These birds have a redhead and breast in the males and a brown streak of colors in females. They are generally noisy and move in flocks. | Seeds, buds, and fruits like thistle, cactus, cherries, apricots, plums, blackberries, figs, and strawberries. |
European Starling | 22 cm | 58-100 gm (2.04-3.52oz) | These birds are stocky black, with a purple, green and blue hue. These birds are famous for their aggressive behavior. | They eat insects like flies, beetles, caterpillars, earthworms, and spiders, along with fruits like cherries, holly berries, mulberries, Virginia Creeper, sumac, blackberries, and even seeds and grains. |
Backyard Birds Of Wyoming In Different Seasons
Winter Backyard Birds
- Eurasian Collared-Dove (31%)
- House Sparrow (31%)
- House Finch (29%)
- Black-billed Magpie (27%)
- Black-capped Chickadee (24%)
- Dark-eyed Junco (22%)
- American Crow (22%)
- Eurasian Starling (21%)
- Northern Flicker (21%)
Summer Backyard Birds
- American Robin (49%)
- Northern Flicker (21%)
- Western Meadowlark (20%)
- Mourning Dove (19%)
- Cliff Swallow (18%)
- Violet-green Swallow (16%)
- Chipping Sparrow (16%)
- Pine Siskin (16%)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (15%)
- Common Grackle (15%)
- Western Wood-Pewee (15%)
- Black-billed Magpie (14%)
- Barn Swallow (14%)
- Mountain Bluebird (14%)
- Brewer’s Blackbird (14%)
- House Sparrow (14%)
Backyard Birds Of Wyoming In Detail
American Robi
Reddish-orange breasts and black feathers on the head, back, wings, and tail characterize American Robins. Their beaks are large and pointed, and their wings are white with white borders.
They are forest creatures who prefer to dwell in the open air. In their natural habitat, they are herbivores, consuming berries, leaves, and insects.
American Robins eat a variety of foods, including sunflower seeds, suet, and peanut hearts, fruit, and mealworms.
It’s perfect for eating when sitting on the ground or on platforms. Juniper, sumac, hawthorn, and dogwood are examples of berry-bearing trees and shrubs that’ll attract American robins to your yard.
Red-winged Blackbird
The Red-winged blackbird has an all-black plumage with bright red and yellow shoulder patches. In comparison to the males’ streaky brown coloring, females appear bland.
Males will fiercely defend their area during mating season, even fighting anyone who gets too close to nests. During the winter, they congregate in enormous flocks numbering in the millions.
If you want to attract Red-winged blackbirds to your yard then spread mixed grain and seeds on the ground or on platform feeders.
Northern Flicker
Northern Flickers are about the size of a robin or a crow, with brownish plumage mottled with black patches, bars, and crescents, as well as red on the neck.
The undersides of eastern birds’ tails and wing feathers are brilliant yellows, whilst those of western species are red. They can be observed on the ground in woods and forest boundaries looking for ants and beetles.
Northern Flickers will congregate at your garden feeders if you provide them with suet and black oil sunflower seeds.
Western Meadowlark
The lovely yellow bellies and pleasant singing of Western Meadowlarks may brighten your day. This is most likely what makes them so popular, so much so that they have been designated as the official bird of six states.
Western Meadowlarks are blackbird cousins, about the size of a Robin, with brown and white upperparts and a black V-shaped band across the dazzling yellow breast that becomes grey in winter.
To attract more Western Meadowlarks to your yard, fill ground feeders with hulled sunflower seeds and broken corn.
Mourning Dov
The mourning dove belongs to the Columbidae family of birds. The mourning bird is also known as a rain dove, a marsh dove, a turtle dove, and, most often, a mourning dove.
It is presently popular in the southern United States, Ohio, Arkansas, Florida, California, and Ontario, Canada. Large cities, meadows, farmlands, parks, resorts, and even private neighborhoods are visited.
If you want to attract Mourning Doves to your yard then start by distributing millet on the ground or using platform feeders. You can also feed them black sunflower seeds, nyjer, cracked corn, and peanut hearts.
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Eurasian Collared-Doves are light brownish-grey in color with white patches on the tail. They resemble Mourning Doves but have a black half collar at the nape of the neck. They are also bigger and have a square tail as opposed to a pointed tail.
They like regions around humans with plenty of seeds, such as backyard feeders and farms, and are not found in dense woodlands. Eurasian Collared-Doves mostly consume seeds and grains, but they will also consume berries and insects if available.
If you want to attract more Eurasian-Collared-Doves to your yard then feed them millet, oats, cracked corn, and Black oil sunflower seeds or hulled sunflower seeds on ground feeders or hopper feeders.
House Sparrow
The House Sparrow is another successful immigrant that has become one of the most common birds. They’re common in and around buildings, and because they’re gentle, they’ll eat right off your palm.
They are pests since they are non-native, although they will still be found in backyards if they are not fed.
Most bird seeds, including millet, maize, and sunflower seeds, may attract more House Sparrows to your backyard feeders.
Brown-headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird males have large bodies, enormous brown heads, black bodies, and short tails. Females have brown splotches with striped splotches.
They are considered a nuisance because they eat the eggs of smaller songbirds in order to lay their own eggs and have the bird care for their young ones.
They spawn across much of northern and western North America before migrating south, though they spend the entire year in the Eastern and Southern states, as well as along the Pacific Coast.
They may be found in grassy and forested areas, pastures, and backyards, and they mostly graze on grass and weed seeds.
Chipping Sparro
Long, thin tails, a greyish belly, a brown and black-streaked back, a rusty cap, and a black eye-line distinguish Chipping Sparrows. The colors are more subdued in the winter.
They reproduce over the majority of North America and Canada before migrating to Mexico, Florida, or farther south for the rest of the year.
They are seen in small groups on open terrain and will investigate backyards in search of various types of birdseed.
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskins are little birds with brown and yellow stripes on their wings and tails. Their tail is forked, their wings are sharp, and they have a small pointed beak.
Pine Siskins breed in Canada and can overwinter in the United States, but their migration is dependent on pine cone yields, thus they may not move for some years. Some birds, however, spend the entire year in the western pine woods.
Pine Siskins are drawn to backyards by thistle and nyjer feeders, as well as black oil sunflower seeds and suet.
Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebirds have the most blue of any bluebird; males have a stunning brilliant blue on the back, softer blue beneath, and white under the tails. Females are greyish-brown with blue stripes on their tails and wings.
Mountain Bluebirds eat mostly insects, notably beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars. In the winter, they also consume seeds and tiny fruits such as grapes, juniper, currants, elderberries, sumac, mistletoe, and hackberry.
Install nest boxes to attract more Mountain Bluebirds to your yard. They may also visit platform feeders in search of mealworms and, on occasion, suet or fruit. You can also try growing some of the fruits they like in the winter.
Common Grackle
The Common Grackle is an eye-catching bird with a distinct call. They’re purple and blue all the way through, yet they appear black till you look closely.
Their color darkens from the breasts to the face, with a stronger blue saturation towards the face.
Their enormous wings, medium-sized tails, bronze-metallic eyes, and long, straight black beaks set them apart. Females appear duller, although young people have darker complexions and eyes.
The bird-like white Proso millet, wheat, oats, and Black Oil Sunflower seeds. You can use these to attract them to your backyard.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warblers are grey with yellow flashes on the face, flanks, rump, and white wings. Females are somewhat browner, while winter birds are lighter brown with brilliant yellow rumps and sides that become bright yellow and grey in spring.
After primarily reproducing in Canada, they move in vast numbers over most of southern and central North America, as well as the Pacific Coast, Mexico, and Central America.
If you want to attract Yellow-rumped Warblers to your yard then feed them sunflower seeds, suet, raisins, and peanut butter.
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadees have black and white heads and grey bodies, with darker grey on the back and lighter grey underside.
They live in the western mountains and are frequently observed in evergreen woods, particularly conifers. Mountain Chickadees dine on insects, spiders, nuts, and seeds, and are frequent garden feeders. Mountain Chickadees frequently save food for later use and construct a food store.
If you want to attract Mountain Chickadees to your yard then feed them black oil sunflower seeds, mealworms, nyjer, suet, and peanut butter.
Black-billed Magpie
Black-billed Magpies are loud black and white birds with long tails with blue-green iridescent flashes in the wing and tail. They are bigger than Jays.
They do not migrate and may be seen eating on fruit and grain, beetles, and grasshoppers in meadows, grasslands, and other open places. They hunt small animals like squirrels and voles, as well as raid bird nests for eggs, nestlings, and even carrion.
If you want to attract Black-billed Magpies to your backyard then feed them black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts, fruit, suet, millet, and milo. You can use platform and suet feeders.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatches have a reddish underbelly and are blue-gray birds with black and white stripes on the head.
Red-breasted Nuthatches can be seen scavenging for cones in coniferous woodlands, and they do frequent backyard feeders.
Black oil sunflower seeds, suet feeders, peanuts, and mealworms can all help to attract additional Red-breasted Nuthatches to your yard.
House Wren
House Wrens are little brown birds with pale throats and black stripes on their wings and tails. Most states have breeding populations before wintering in the extreme south and Mexico.
When it comes to nesting places, House Wrens can be rather aggressive, bothering larger birds and even stealing eggs and young ones from the desired location.
Leave brush piles on the feeder or build a nest box to encourage a breeding couple to your backyard.
Barn Swallow
A barn swallow’s wings and tail are dark blue, with a reddish-brown underside and face. The long outer feathers of the tail form a deep fork.
They mostly breed in North America before migrating to Central and South America to reproduce. They may often be seen soaring above meadows, farms, and fields in search of insects, and they make mud nests in man-made buildings like barns.
To attract additional Barn Swallows, use nest boxes or cups, as well as ground-up eggshells on a platform feeder.
Brewer’s Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbirds have a glossy black coat in the males and plain brown in the females. They also have a purple hint on the head and greenish iridescent on the body.
They move to the southern United States and Mexico after breeding in the central United States.
Brewer’s blackbirds may be found in a broad range of environments, including grasslands, marshes, meadows, forests, and beaches, as well as close to humans in parks, fields, and backyards.
They consume mostly seeds and grains, but they also eat insects and whatever else they may find.
Brewer’s blackbirds visit backyards to eat on-ground feeders of hulled sunflower seeds, cracked maize, and millet.
Dark-eyed Junco
Little dark-eyed birds prefer gardens with a small number of open areas, such as meadows, where they may graze on a variety of plants. Food, particularly sunflower seeds, appears to be a favorite of these birds, while nectar and even caraway appear to be popular as well.
To attract more Dark-eyed Juncos to your backyard feeders, try black oil sunflower seeds, nyjer, cracked corn, millet, and peanuts. Both platform feeders and ground-based feeders are effective.
American Goldfinch
The American goldfinch, sometimes known as the just goldfinch, is a charming little bird. They’ve been known to travel long distances each year, with some going as far north as southern Mexico and as far south as the Canadian border’s eastern side.
They prefer marshes, backyards, meadows, forests, brushlands, fields, hedgerows, long grasses, and oaks, to name a few habitats. Spruce and oak trees, as well as creeks, rivers, and streams, are desirable environments.
To attract more American Goldfinches, plant thistles, and milkweed in your yard. They consume sunflower and Nyjer seed and are attracted to most bird feeders.
House Finch
It was once solely found in the western United States, but it has now spread throughout the country. Red finches exist in a range of colors and sizes, with house finches being the most common in urban areas.
It has a medium-length notched tail and a medium-sized body. It’s shaped like a cone. Males’ heads, breasts, and backs are all blood red. On wires, tree branches, and plants, small flocks can be spotted. They’re most frequent in both rural and urban locations right now.
House Finches may be attracted to backyard feeders using black oil sunflower seeds or nyjer seeds in tube or platform feeders.
European starling
When closely studied, European Starlings may be recognized by their purple-green plumage. Their entire body is covered with it, except their long, straight yellow bills. They lose their dazzling plumage in the winter and replace it with a brown coat flecked with white patches.
This particular kind of bird may be found practically anywhere. They thrive in man-made environments like farms, villages, and cities.
These birds eat a variety of things. When they aren’t eating insects, they eat berries, seeds, grains, and other foods.
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